General awareness training is the foundation of all Dangerous Goods training. Virtually everyone whose job involves handling, managing or transporting hazardous materials in any way is required to take general awareness training—and renew their training every three years. Since everyone has to take it, shouldn’t it appeal to the most people? That was the idea…
DG Digest Special Notice: PHMSA extends emergency exemptions for hand sanitizer shipping and recertification training
In breaking news, today PHMSA published deadline extensions to its currently in force emergency exemptions allowing for both non-standard domestic ground shipment of some alcohol based hand sanitizers as well as a continuation of the extension of training recertification requirements under the 49 CFR 172.704(c)(2) past their normal expiration dates. The extensions will now run…
DG Symposium Day 2: A spotlight on advanced hazmat technology
Technology was one of the dominant themes of the 4th annual Dangerous Goods Confidence Outlook, the results of which were revealed during Day 1 of the 2019 Dangerous Goods Symposium. Among the survey’s findings: 55% of companies rely on manual processes, at least in part, for shipping hazmat. 45% called their ability to centrally store…
Fall meetings highlight changes in Dangerous Goods air transport
The fall season in odd-numbered years has traditionally been a busy time for people who handle Dangerous Goods by air, and 2017 was no exception. Consider this timetable: Labelmaster’s 12th Dangerous Goods Symposium, Chicago, Sept. 6–8 IATA’s Dangerous Goods Board, 111th meeting in Brussels, Sept. 18–21 IATA’s Lithium Battery Seminar in Barcelona, Oct. 3–5 ICAO’s…