DG Digest articles

DG Digest: TSA published requirements to become a Certified Cargo Screening site

DG Digest: TSA published requirements to become a Certified Cargo Screening site

Mid-May already! Time does fly. The middle of the month finds us in a quiet period for the regulations, with only minimal activity.  Meanwhile, the vaccine programs march on. As an HSE professional, be sure you do your part to help facilitate the efforts to inoculate the employees at your workplace who express interest in getting the vaccination. 

DG Digest: DOT to perform ‘Regulatory Review’ in light of recent Executive Orders

The second week of May is here, and the Spring storm season is in full swing—a annual risk we all need to recall even as we continue to cope with the pandemic.  If your facility is located within the broad swath of the country facing possible exposure to severe weather, be sure your emergency plans

DG Digest: Agencies Adjust Civil Penalties; DHS Delays REAL ID Enforcement Until May 2023

Happy May greetings!  Hopefully this new month will bring not only the traditional “May Flowers” but also mark a turning point in our nation’s ongoing battle to control the COVID-19 pandemic.  At this point the whole country is eligible to be vaccinated, so as HSE professionals, let’s make sure we’re ready to help our fellow

DG Digest: Transport Canada updates guidance on COVID-19 related infectious substances, will conduct remote oversight for now

The third week of April found the nation still focused on vaccination efforts. Some companies are hosting vaccination events on their premises, some for employees only, and others for both employees and members of the surrounding community. If your company is holding such an event, make sure that all appropriate safety and security processes are in place

DG Digest: Transport Canada updates COVID-19 exemptions and the Chemical Safety Board to meet virtually on April 2nd.

The end of March finds the regulatory world continuing a fairly quiet spell. Meanwhile, with the return of spring weather, the threat of severe weather is appearing on the radar screen for many areas of the country. If your business is in a place impacted by spring storm season, be sure you and your employees have and

DG Digest: PHMSA updates ‘org chart’ and ICAO issues 2nd addendum to the TI

The first week in March found the nation increasing its rate of vaccination against the COVID-19 virus.  Let’s all keep working together to keep ourselves, our families, and our fellow employees as safe as possible as we push forward to finally end the pandemic.  Regulatory activity was relatively minimal during the last week, although PHMSA

DG Digest: IATA issues second addendum to the 62nd DGR, PHMSA to hold Lithium Battery Air Safety meeting this week

Today’s digest covers the two weeks just past. The first week of the period was quiet; the second week, quite busy. IATA published a new addendum and PHMSA was quite active. All in all, a busy period. Meanwhile, the vaccination effort against the ongoing pandemic continues. Let’s all keep working and living safe and do our part to battle this
