Regulations articles

Infographic | The Essential ERG (Emergency Response Guide)

Infographic | The Essential ERG (Emergency Response Guide)

The Emergency Response Guide—better known as the ERG— is the first resource for identifying and responding to chemical hazards in a transportation emergency. You’ll find it anywhere people have a stake in the safe handling, transport and storage of Dangerous Goods. New additions, revisions and updates make the 2016 ERG the most essential ever. Here

Infographic | The Essential ERG (Emergency Response Guidebook)

The Emergency Response Guide—better known as the ERG— is the first resource for identifying and responding to chemical hazards in a transportation emergency. You’ll find it anywhere people have a stake in the safe handling, transport and storage of Dangerous Goods. New additions, revisions and updates make the 2016 ERG the most essential ever. Here

Why the updated 2016 Emergency Response Guidebook is more essential than ever

Every four years the United States, Canadian and Mexican governments cooperate in issuing a revised edition of a wonderfully useful and often terribly important little orange book: the Emergency Response Guidebook, commonly known as “the ERG.” The 2016 edition is coming soon, and it promises to be more essential than ever. From “quick and dirty”

Costs and concerns about the FRA’s new “rollaway” rules

After the disastrous Lac-Mégantic derailment on July 6, 2013, the U.S. Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) issued Emergency Order 28 directing U.S. railroads to take certain actions to reduce the likelihood of another unattended train “rolling away” with explosive, flammable materials on board. On July 29 of this year, the FRA announced the codification of many

Recap of the ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods

A New Biennium With the retirement of Mr. Hart of the UK, a new UN Sub-committee of experts on the transport of dangerous goods biennium began on 22nd June under the chairmanship of  Mr. Pfund from the US.  Mr. Pfund follows in the footsteps of such luminaries from the US DOT as Mr. Al Roberts

Boeing Offers Lithium Battery Air Transport Guidance

Seldom does a guidance document from a private business causes much stir in the aviation transport community when it comes to Dangerous Goods; however, that is not the case after the Boeing Company released new guidance on July 17th regarding the bulk carriage of Lithium Ion Batteries (UN3480) on its passenger aircraft.  Along with European maker Airbus,

Canadian Pacific Railway Continues Court Action on Lac Megantic Train Disaster Settlement

In continued litigation tied to the horrendous oil train derailment and subsequent fatal explosions and fires in Lac Megantic, Quebec in 2013, Class One railway Canadian Pacific (CP) announced that it would continue to seek protection from liability and ask for voiding court action in reference to the $432 million dollar (Canadian) settlement recently agreed

Airlines/ICAO React to e-cigarette Storage on Passenger Flights

As of June 15, 2015, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has banned passengers and crew from storing electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and other battery-powered electronic smoking devices in checked bags on passenger airlines.  This final ruling follows an advisory warning to the airline industry issued by ICAO in December 2014 regarding safety concerns related to

Older Driver’s Medical Certificate Gets Six Month Reprieve

FMCSA correction of 6/22/2015 In the June 22nd, 2015 edition of the US Federal Register, the United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) revised its requirements to use the new MCSA-5875 Report of Examination and MCSA-5876 Medical Exam Certificate for Commercial Driver’s Licence (CDL) holders.  The docket ([Docket No. FMCSA–2012–0178])

When You Violate DG Shipping Regulations, Fines Can Stack Up

Having mislabeled or incorrectly marked cargo could mean delayed shipments and fines from violations. And with ever-changing rules and regulations, things can get complicated. We can help. We have complied a list of seven types of common violations and how you can avoid them:
