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Labelmaster Supply Chain Moves

Supply Chain Moves: Week of January 4th, 2021

  Week of January 4th, 2021 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance As we enter 2021, it’s important for organizations to apply the lessons learned in 2020 and invest in the necessary technology, processes and training to create the supply chain of today and tomorrow. To help companies keep a pulse on technology trends

Labelmaster Supply Chain Moves

Supply Chain Moves: Week of December 21st, 2020

  Week of December 21st, 2020 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance As supply chain challenges continue to mount, companies are looking to technology solutions to help them navigate these uncertain times – whether it’s responding to rapid e-commerce growth or preparing to distribute a COVID-19 vaccine around the world. To help companies keep

Dangerous Goods in 2020: Remarkable responses to an unprecedented year

January may seem like seven years ago, but 2020 actually began like any other year in the Dangerous Goods galaxy. We all know what’s happened since then. The COVID-19 pandemic has, of course, impacted every sector of the global economy. From a hazmat transport perspective, three major trends emerged: Regulatory bodies overseeing Dangerous Goods transport

DG Digest: PHMSA extends relief for rules on some hand sanitizer, FRA will require 40 states to develop plans that mitigate crossing risks

Mid-Month December saw PHMSA act to bring back part of the hand sanitizer exemptions that had expired on Halloween; details are below, but it’s important to note that the “new” (reinstated) exemption applies only to subject sanitizers manufactured PRIOR to the original expiration date.  Many shippers have moved on from there and are simply shipping
