Cody DeGrush is Hazardous Materials Manager at GEODIS. As a hazardous materials manager for a major third-party logistics (3PL) company, I’m almost a regulatory consultant within my own company. I share guidance with other organizations whenever regulations change, I gather information when onboarding a new client, and I oversee training. For the last four years,…
Embracing Sustainability in DG Packaging: A Path Forward
Shaping the Future of Dangerous Goods: 2024 DG Symposium Recap
The Best of the Best in the Dangerous Goods Industry: The 2024 DG Hall of Fame
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DG Digest: Confluence of circumstances led to Lac-Megantic not guilty verdicts
Believe it or not, we’re already past mid-January and heading towards the home stretch of what is typically the most troubling weather month of the year across the country. Stay safe, stay warm, and keep your eyes on the calendar! Spring will come sure enough. Meanwhile, it was a fairly active week in the regulatory…
Dangerous Goods transport technology: Wouldn’t it be cool if …
A couple of weeks ago, we published our 2018 DG Wish List, in which Dangerous Goods professionals from around the world shared their fondest dreams for the industry. Most of these wishes were pretty practical, from simplifying lithium battery shipping regulations to making sure shippers were better educated about hazmat. Others were grander in scale—like…
DG Digest: Federal Agencies Publish Semi-annual Regulatory Agendas
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday begins our week. The Labelmaster family hopes that every American will find a positive way to embrace Dr. King’s legacy and help to improve our nation. Regulatory activity remains at fairly low ebb; here’s the latest: U.S. EPA The agency published its annual adjustment of monetary penalty…
3 unexpected facts about Obexion lithium battery packaging
Since we introduced Obexion packaging technology last fall, we’ve had an unbelievable response from people who ship lithium batteries and battery devices. Many of the questions were predictable (even if the answers were amazing): Can Obexion really contain a 400°C lithium battery fire without gels, pellets or heavy liners? Yes—watch the video here. Can I…
DG Digest: Canada Releases New Guide for Incidents Involving Flammable Liquids by Rail
The second week of the year finds us all bearing down to get through the winter grind—be sure to do it safely. Cold and snow are not only inconvenient but can be potentially dangerous if we don’t keep proper precautions in mind! It was a relatively quiet week in the regulatory world, with a new…
Hazmat hopes: A 2018 wish list from top Dangerous Goods professionals
Last November, we asked our readers a simple question: What’s your biggest wish for 2018 in the entire Dangerous Goods galaxy? What regulation would you change? What stress-inducing process would you simplify? What one thing would you change to make your job easier—and the world safer? DG pros from all over responded, with wishes ranging…
DG Digest: EPA Proposes Rule to Limit Federal Oversite of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Happy New Year, everyone! Here’s hoping that 2018 is a safe, successful, and productive year for you and your organization. Best of luck! As you may have already guessed, the period between the two major holidays was quiet in the regulatory sense, with only minimal activity. Here’s the latest: EPA The agency issued a proposed…
DG Digest: IATA will begin to use its 59th edition of the Dangerous Goods Regulations
Holiday greetings! Hopefully everyone enjoyed their day. Normally, the period between Christmas and the New Year is very quiet; this year, we have a new IATA Corrigendum to consider! See the details below as well as the rest of the week’s news—and have a safe and happy New Year’s Day celebration: IATA Corrigendum to the…
DG Digest: FAA Proposes its Largest-to-Date $1.1 Million Dollar Lithium Battery Fine
As the winter holidays loom close, regulatory activity has slowed accordingly. Canada remains busy though, releasing a new revision to its maritime rules. Otherwise things are a bit slow. Have a wonderful holiday next Monday! Here’s the latest: Canada TDGR Our neighbors to the north have completed and published a long awaited revision to their…