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Dangerous Good Symposium

Don’t sing the Dangerous Goods Symposium blues—sign up now!

Register today! Rates go up March 1. Labelmaster will host the 12th annual Dangerous Goods Symposium September 6-8, 2017 at Chicago’s historic Drake Hotel. The Drake has hosted presidents, foreign dignitaries and even royalty, but it may be most famous for its role as a set in The Blues Brothers, that 1980 classic featuring so

Rated DG: What if famous horror movies were about Dangerous Goods?

When you’re obsessed with Dangerous Goods compliance, you start to see hazmat-related themes everywhere. Here at Labelmaster, we scrutinize TV shows for correct hazmat labeling. We watch major football games through a hazmat-tinted lens. We even halfway believe Game of Thrones is actually about hazmat. Clearly, we are not normal people. And most scary movies

DG Digest: regulatory freeze may mean rollbacks and will PHMSA preempt Oregon’s haz waste rule?

The new week brings with it uncertainty over the current regulatory situation.  On January 21st, 2017, the newly installed Trump Administration imposed a regulatory freeze on US federal rulemaking.  As a result, rules not yet finalized for submission to the Federal Register were placed in hold status; rules which had been finalized but were not

Can autonomous trucks handle hazmat shipments safely?

You’ve probably seen a number of articles and videos over the last year or so, proclaiming that autonomous vehicles—also known as “driverless” cars and trucks—will be commonplace on our highways within a few years. That future is coming, and maybe sooner than a lot of folks thought. Last October, an autonomous truck created by Otto

Did our hazmat labels and other markings impress this design critic?

Some of our friends and customers shared a lively LinkedIn conversation recently about the merits of the new Class 9 lithium battery labels. Most people thought the labels did an effective job telling carriers and receivers that packages contained lithium batteries. But design critic Stewart D.O. North was less complimentary. “That cluster of objects looks
