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DG Digest: EPA revises haz chem reporting, FRA on train crew staffing, & the Coast Guard establishes safety rules for barge owners

Today is the Summer Solstice; the longest day of the year.  Lots of daylight for safe and effective work on those out of doors projects around home, office, or plant—do it safely!  The world of Dangerous Goods and EH&S was typically busy over the last week: EPA The EPA is amending its hazardous chemical reporting

If hazmat labels could talk: An exclusive interview

If hazmat labels could talk: An exclusive interview

Dangerous Goods is not a Pixar movie. Hazmat labels don’t talk. But if they did, they might have some interesting things to say about the role they play in shipping compliance: Q: Tell our readers about yourself. A: I’m a PVC-free, Class 9 Miscellaneous hazard class label from Labelmaster. Q: It sounds like you say

DG pro has weird allergic reaction to the words “lithium batteries”

A Midwestern Dangerous Goods professional has developed a psychosomatic reaction to the words lithium batteries, apparently resulting from overexposure to news articles, blog posts and customer inquiries about the subject. Ted—who requested his last name and company not be revealed—experiences facial skin outbreaks, headaches and nausea when he hears or reads the words lithium battery

Living the DG Life

New video explores Dangerous Goods compliance at 30,000 feet

Mike Wentz is Manager of Cargo Compliance for American Airlines, but when he talks about his job he could be speaking for any Dangerous Goods professional in any capacity: “I knew I’d never be comfortable in the role unless I could understand the regulations back to front and be able to communicate them effectively.” Get
