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DG Digest: Chemical Safety Board Issues Alert, EPA Settles with Harley-Davidson, and FAA OK’s Special Conditions for the Boeing 737-8

Ready for another week?  Although August can be a slow month in the regulatory world as much of Washington, DC takes time to avoid the sticky heat and humidity in the nation’s capitol, this week was nevertheless quite busy.  Here’s all the latest and greatest: Chemical Safety The US Chemical Safety Board has issued a

Lithium battery enforcement: We need a level playing field before new restrictions

Lithium battery enforcement: A level playing field will boost safety immediately

Neil McCulloch contributed to this article.  Monday’s press release from IATA, highlighting the problems and implications of non-enforcement of existing lithium battery shipping regulations, is both salutary and discouraging. Salutary, because we’ve long been on record as saying that comprehensive enforcement of existing regulations would have a larger impact on safety than enacting new regulations. Many other

Shouldn’t you have a Lithium Battery Advisor for everyday life?

Shouldn’t you have a Lithium Battery Advisor for everyday life?

Lithium battery shipping is complex and challenging, but Labelmaster’s Lithium Battery Advisor software makes it simple and stress-free. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a Lithium Battery Advisor for all your everyday challenges? Seriously. Think about how quickly lithium battery regulations have changed. Many shipments that not long ago required no special handling at

Jerry Can

9 things you might not know about jerricans and pails

  Maybe you’re one of the hundreds of people who buy our jerricans and pails. After all, they’re indispensable for all kinds of liquid transport and storage purposes. But for all the times you’ve filled, emptied, shipped and stored jerricans and pails, we bet you’ve never stopped to ponder them. Well, we have, and we’ve

DG Digest: EPA E-Manifest Fee Update & PHMSA Proposes Expanded OSRPs

EPA: Posts Proposed E-Manifest Fee Schedule Framework: The US EPA posted a proposed rule in the Federal Register on July 29, 2016, creating a framework for establishing a user fee schedule for its electronic hazardous waste manifest tracking and record keeping system (E-Manifest system).  In addition, this rulemaking also includes minor amendments to the E-Manifest regulations
