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DG Digest: Pub 52 Updates and EPA Issues Correction

USPS Updates Publication 52 On July 21, 2016, the USPS posted notice in the Federal Register that USPS Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail will be revised effective August 4, 2016, to include revised standards for its hazardous materials Small Quantity Provision and will also add a new Excepted Quantity Provision. These updates align

Your guide to retail reverse logistics

Infographic | Your Guide to Retail Reverse Logistics

For electronics companies in the e-commerce retail market, coordinating consumer returns of batteries and other hazardous materials can be a nightmare. Customers don’t know how to ship hazmat compliantly. In fact, they often don’t even know they’re shipping hazmat. And while recipients of non-compliant hazmat shipments (i.e., you) are not necessarily liable for mistakes made

DG Digest: FMCSA on Driver Qualifications, FRA Pushes Crossing Safety, and EPA to Allow Emissions Override for Emergency Generators

Believe it or not, the Independence Day holiday is over already!  Hopefully, your summer is going well—and not too quickly to miss enjoying.  And here at Labelmaster, so far the summer season has yet to slow down the pace of regulatory news, so let’s dive right in: FMCSA Corrects an error in its June 7,

DG Digest: EPA revises haz chem reporting, FRA on train crew staffing, & the Coast Guard establishes safety rules for barge owners

Today is the Summer Solstice; the longest day of the year.  Lots of daylight for safe and effective work on those out of doors projects around home, office, or plant—do it safely!  The world of Dangerous Goods and EH&S was typically busy over the last week: EPA The EPA is amending its hazardous chemical reporting
