USPS Updates Publication 52 On July 21, 2016, the USPS posted notice in the Federal Register that USPS Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail will be revised effective August 4, 2016, to include revised standards for its hazardous materials Small Quantity Provision and will also add a new Excepted Quantity Provision. These updates align…
Embracing Sustainability in DG Packaging: A Path Forward
Shaping the Future of Dangerous Goods: 2024 DG Symposium Recap
The Best of the Best in the Dangerous Goods Industry: The 2024 DG Hall of Fame
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DG Digest: Pub 52 Updates and EPA Issues Correction
Infographic | Your Guide to Retail Reverse Logistics
For electronics companies in the e-commerce retail market, coordinating consumer returns of batteries and other hazardous materials can be a nightmare. Customers don’t know how to ship hazmat compliantly. In fact, they often don’t even know they’re shipping hazmat. And while recipients of non-compliant hazmat shipments (i.e., you) are not necessarily liable for mistakes made…
DG Digest: PHMSA v. Pittsburgh, FAA Backs Off a Bit, & DOT Being “Spooky”
Here it is mid-July already! We here at Labelmaster hope your plans for a summer break are on your schedule, but the regulatory world seems to be seeing little change of pace—those agencies are out there and staying busy with new information and requirements. Here’s the latest: PHMSA Pre-empts Pittsburgh, PA In an interesting turn…
DG Digest: FMCSA on Driver Qualifications, FRA Pushes Crossing Safety, and EPA to Allow Emissions Override for Emergency Generators
Believe it or not, the Independence Day holiday is over already! Hopefully, your summer is going well—and not too quickly to miss enjoying. And here at Labelmaster, so far the summer season has yet to slow down the pace of regulatory news, so let’s dive right in: FMCSA Corrects an error in its June 7,…
DG Digest: FRA, PHMSA, TSA, FMCSA and OSHA Fines Increasing
Last week’s DG Digest was pre-empted by an otherwise very busy schedule here at Labelmaster; so, this week, we’ll be covering the last two weeks instead of just one. Gosh it’s been busy! Whatever happened to the “lazy crazy hazy days of summer?” Gone with the song, apparently. Herewith, the action on the DG/EH&S front…
How will Brexit affect Dangerous Goods transport for the UK and Europe?
Like several of my Labelmaster colleagues, I’m an accredited DGSA, from DGAC’s SQA affiliated training program (No one can say Dangerous Goods is short of acronyms!) and hence well versed in the ADR. What those acronyms mean is that I’m somewhat knowledgeable about European Dangerous Goods regulations as they are applied in Great Britain. As…
This July 4th, why should Class 1 Explosives get all the attention?
July 4th is coming, and one hazmat class will once again monopolize the nation’s attention—Class 1 explosives. Sure, we all ooh and aah at our local fireworks displays. Many of us may even responsibly deploy firecrackers and mini-rockets during private celebrations. (It’s safe to say the bozos captured in videos like this one are not…
Okay, Fine! PHMSA to Increase Penalties on August 1st
The USDOT’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) took a big step forward yesterday in upping the ante for shippers who knowingly violate the regulation contained in the US 49 CFR Parts 100 – 185 Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR). Increases in penalties had been bandied about the industry for some time, and have now…
In Geneva, UN Dangerous Goods Experts Hash Out Coming Regulatory Changes
The structure of the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) in the US 49 CFR Parts 100 – 185 may seem byzantine at first; it’s hardly light reading. However, it is actually built upon a very sound and logical structure. US regulations are in large part based on and or harmonized to the Dangerous Goods regulations (it’s…
DG Digest: EPA revises haz chem reporting, FRA on train crew staffing, & the Coast Guard establishes safety rules for barge owners
Today is the Summer Solstice; the longest day of the year. Lots of daylight for safe and effective work on those out of doors projects around home, office, or plant—do it safely! The world of Dangerous Goods and EH&S was typically busy over the last week: EPA The EPA is amending its hazardous chemical reporting…