This edition of the DG Digest marks the end of yet another year of Labelmaster’s weekly regulatory blog. Hopefully, our readers enjoy and find useful the news and events the blog reports on. Here’s wishing everyone a safe and happy New Year’s celebration, and a prosperous 2025. We’ll keep bringing you the news that the…
DG Digest: PHMSA Addresses Cryogenic Liquid Risks, FAA Issues Safety Alert for Battery-Related Cargo, and Transport Canada Releases Updated Training Guidance
The leaves are falling fast now as we enter into the second month of autumn. Are your wintertime snow and ice clearance plans in place? Before too long, many parts of the country will be experiencing such weather, so if you haven’t quite finished your preparations, now’s a great time to do so. No one…
DG Digest: PHMSA, FAA Team Up on Safe Drone Transport of Hazardous Materials
Amazingly enough, here comes mid-August. One thing that means is that over the course of the next two weeks, a lot of college students will be packing up and heading back to school. And what will they be packing? Among many other things, a lot of lithium battery powered devices. Now is a good time…
DG Digest: Will CPSC Move to Ban Aerosol Dusters?
Here we are rolling into August already! With this being an election year the various political campaigns are in full swing, but much of “official” Washington spends most of the coming month in recess. Will that reflect in a lightened regulatory schedule? We’ll all find out together. Meanwhile, stay cool if you can! Here is…
DG Digest: FAA, FMCSA, CPSC & OSHA: Updates on Undeclared Dangerous Goods, Radioactive Materials, Fuel Containers & More
Hopefully, everyone enjoyed the weekend just past, with “Star Wars Day” and Cinco de Mayo both falling over the period. Nowadays, it’s kind of the unofficial start to the summer season. Here’s to a great upcoming summertime for all of us! Let’s take a look at the current regulatory news: FAA The agency has published…
DG Digest: FAA Publishes Penalty Fee Correction Notice
The groundhog saw his shadow (at least, the “official” one in Punxsutawney, PA did) and so unsurprisingly— it’s still going to be winter for awhile! Let’s all stay focused on helping our fellow employees stay safe by keeping those walkways and drains clear of snow and ice, paying special attention to those working outdoors, and…
Federal agencies publish list of civil penalty fee amount adjustments
Welcome back, everyone, and Happy New Year! Here comes 2023! Hopefully, everyone had a safe and happy holiday season. Now it’s time to bear down, grit our teeth, and slog through the rest of the winter. It’s also time for another year of the DG Digest, and we’ll do our best to keep bringing you…
DG Digest: PHMSA released web app for ease of research on rulemaking and to make interpretations more user-friendly
This blog publishes on Halloween, 2022; so, Happy Halloween! Hopefully your day is filled with treats rather than tricks. Remember that the kids will be out in force today, and not necessarily paying much attention to traffic and other safety issues, so it’s up to us adults to take extra care to protect them and…
DG Digest: U.S Coast Guard issues final rule amending how waterfront facilities handle LNG
The first week in February is here, and the groundhog saw his shadow—six more weeks of winter! Be sure your winter safety plan stays active until we all get through to the new Spring. There was a variety of news from various federal agencies last week, including an ICR dealing with COVID issues from the…
DG Digest: Agencies Adjust Civil Penalties; DHS Delays REAL ID Enforcement Until May 2023
Happy May greetings! Hopefully this new month will bring not only the traditional “May Flowers” but also mark a turning point in our nation’s ongoing battle to control the COVID-19 pandemic. At this point the whole country is eligible to be vaccinated, so as HSE professionals, let’s make sure we’re ready to help our fellow…