Tag Archives: US FRA

The last week of 2020 (hooray!) sees important relief from FMCSA and the end of the ORM-D mark

The last week of 2020 (hooray!) sees important relief from FMCSA and the end of the ORM-D mark

What has been one of the most difficult years in our nation’s modern history finally comes to an end later this week. It is likely none of us will be unhappy to see 2020 in our rearview mirrors. Meanwhile, although the vaccines currently being distributed will eventually help put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic,

DG Digest: FRA establishes Emergency Relief Docket for year, and the Coast Guard announces next chem transport committee meeting

The Mid-February winter doldrums are here—we’re all ready for spring, but it still feels distant.  Hopefully the crocuses will soon be peeking out, and a new cycle will return us to sunshine and the new green.  The week saw a slight uptick in regulatory activity; here’s the latest: FRA The agency established its annual Emergency

DG Digest: OSHA’s Interest in Benzene, PHMSA Guidance to Firework Makers, and FRA Lists Most Dangerous Crossings

It’s the last week of April already!  Hope everyone is thinking spring by now.  Here the latest’s news of note in the worlds of Dangerous Goods and EH&S: OSHA:  OSHA released a new information collection request in reference to Benzene, a common industrial chemical used in many applications but that has hazardous qualities that make

DG Digest: LithBat Webinar on Wednesday, EPA on Hydrological Alteration, and the TSA’s BASE Program

As part of our nation basks in Spring warmth and other areas get snowed under, the DG news flow this week was a little more quiet than has been the recent norm.  Here are the most relevant briefs: Special Lithium Battery Regulatory Update Webinar: Shipping Lithium Batteries by air remains a huge topic of interest

DG Digest: Star Wars criminal complaint, TDGR harmonization, and so much more!

The run-up to Valentine’s Day was not without interest in the world of Dangerous Goods and EH&S. Among the many highlights in a rather eventful week: February 9 The FRA issued a new rule regarding improved window glazing strength in all new locomotives and passenger carrying cars. The action comes as increased focus on railroad

US FRA Issues Safety Advisory for Passenger Train Operations

In continuing fallout from several recent passenger train accidents including fatality accidents on New York’s Metro-North commuter system and Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor Service, both of which incidents have been alleged to have had apparent contributing factors of excessive speed entering curves, the US Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) today issued a formal
