Author Archives: Labelmaster

Besides hazmat employees, who else should get hazmat training?

Besides hazmat employees, who else should get hazmat training?

Every organization handling Dangerous Goods knows (or ought to know) that employees meeting the definition of a “hazmat employee” need to be trained in accordance with 49 CFR, Part 172, Subpart H, unless otherwise excepted. Who’s a hazmat employee? The short version of the definition, from Part 171.8, is: “A person who … directly affects

Dangerous Goods Symposium 2018 workshop: “Authoring Closure Instructions”

Howard Z. Skolnik and W. Dean Ricker—chairman and president, respectively, of Skolnik Industries—will lead a workshop on “Authoring Closure Instructions” during the 13th annual Dangerous Goods Symposium, September 5–7, 2018, in Rosemont, Illinois. “The 49 CFR says every package with a UN certification must have closure instructions to give shippers a way to complete a

Begin Using those New EPA 5-Part Hazardous Waste Manifests on June 30th!

If you or your company generate or handle hazardous waste, you should be aware by now that the EPA will launch their new e-Manifest system on June 30, 2018 (only 15 days away!). The e-Manifest system is a national system to track hazardous waste electronically, and will eventually completely replace paper manifests. For at least

How will blockchain impact hazmat? Transparency 18 offered exciting clues.

Last month I had the pleasure of attending the Transparency 18 Summit in Atlanta. FreightWaves, the event’s host, offered an unparalleled opportunity to learn what’s new and emerging related to technology and supply chain. Based on my experience there, I’m convinced the future of the logistics industry is as exciting as ever. Since FreightWaves is

Avengers vs. Solo: A movie review for hazmat professionals

So far, it’s been a great summer season at the movies for Dangerous Goods professionals. Two blockbuster movies about hazardous materials transport have already blasted their way into your local multiplex. We’re talking, of course, about Avengers: Infinity War and Solo: A Star Wars Story. Now, to the layperson, Avengers may appear to be a

A hazmat pro’s graduation message for the Class of 2018

For the 51st consecutive year, no one from Labelmaster was asked to speak at a college or university graduation. And that’s too bad, because we feel we have important messages to share with the leaders of tomorrow. Here’s the speech we might have delivered. Congratulations, graduates! I’m sure many of you are wondering why (name

What device manufacturers can learn from the failure of Bluesmart

Why device manufacturers must build compliance into their R&D When your product runs on lithium batteries, it isn’t enough to comply with current regulations. Your survival may depend on how well you anticipate future restrictions. Bluesmart learned that lesson the hard way. Earlier this month, the maker of “smart” luggage had to shut down due

Confident in your compliance?

Share your opinion—take our annual Dangerous Goods Confidence survey

Labelmaster, Hazardous Cargo Bulletin (HCB) and IATA partner to create the 2018 Dangerous Goods Confidence Outlook How do you keep up with changing hazmat regulations? How current are your DG shipping technology and infrastructure? And how severe should enforcement of hazmat violations be? Share your opinions about these issues—and many others—with the entire DG community!
