Together we marked the somber fifteenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks in the week just concluded. I hope that everyone had an opportunity to consider the impact to our nation of so terrible an event, and what it has meant to us as we have moved forward in to too often troubled times. Let…
DG Digest: PHMSA’s Busy Week, U.S. Coast Guard’s New Rule on Jettisoning Cargo, and More LiOn Battery Woes
I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day holiday safely—and that the summer it capped was a good one for you. The surprisingly busy regulatory week leading up to the break featured significant new announcements, so let’s get right to it! US Coast Guard The Coast Guard’s Chemical Transportation Advisory Committee will hold a series of…
DG Digest: Lloyd’s of London Reports on Maritime Cargo Incidents, PHMSA to Align with International Regs, and RSC’s Next Meeting Announced
Perhaps understandably given that it’s the last week of the summer season as traditionally end-bracketed by the upcoming Labor Day holiday, this edition of the DG Digest is a bit threadbare in terms of its scope of fresh news this morning. Nevertheless, here we go: Maritime The US Coast Guard published a notice correcting an…
DG Digest: Chemical Safety Board Issues Alert, EPA Settles with Harley-Davidson, and FAA OK’s Special Conditions for the Boeing 737-8
Ready for another week? Although August can be a slow month in the regulatory world as much of Washington, DC takes time to avoid the sticky heat and humidity in the nation’s capitol, this week was nevertheless quite busy. Here’s all the latest and greatest: Chemical Safety The US Chemical Safety Board has issued a…
DG Digest: Final Rules on FRA Safety Plans and FAST Act
To a certain degree, the “dog days” of summer do seem to be here; action in the regulatory sector last week was limited, the exception being two major rules implemented to impact the nation’s rail infrastructure, affecting both safety of operation and the carriage of flammable liquids. Here’s the week’s breakdown: FRA FRA announces…
DG Digest: Special Permit Delays, USPS Updates Pub 52, and the EPA’s New Tool
August is now in full swing, and the summer doldrums have, at least to a degree, struck the regulatory scene. It was a quiet week, in so far as it goes. However, here are the highlights, which do contain several items of interest: PHMSA: There was an announcement in reference to delayed applications in the…
DG Digest: EPA E-Manifest Fee Update & PHMSA Proposes Expanded OSRPs
EPA: Posts Proposed E-Manifest Fee Schedule Framework: The US EPA posted a proposed rule in the Federal Register on July 29, 2016, creating a framework for establishing a user fee schedule for its electronic hazardous waste manifest tracking and record keeping system (E-Manifest system). In addition, this rulemaking also includes minor amendments to the E-Manifest regulations…
DG Digest: Pub 52 Updates and EPA Issues Correction
USPS Updates Publication 52 On July 21, 2016, the USPS posted notice in the Federal Register that USPS Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail will be revised effective August 4, 2016, to include revised standards for its hazardous materials Small Quantity Provision and will also add a new Excepted Quantity Provision. These updates align…
DG Digest: PHMSA v. Pittsburgh, FAA Backs Off a Bit, & DOT Being “Spooky”
Here it is mid-July already! We here at Labelmaster hope your plans for a summer break are on your schedule, but the regulatory world seems to be seeing little change of pace—those agencies are out there and staying busy with new information and requirements. Here’s the latest: PHMSA Pre-empts Pittsburgh, PA In an interesting turn…
DG Digest: FMCSA on Driver Qualifications, FRA Pushes Crossing Safety, and EPA to Allow Emissions Override for Emergency Generators
Believe it or not, the Independence Day holiday is over already! Hopefully, your summer is going well—and not too quickly to miss enjoying. And here at Labelmaster, so far the summer season has yet to slow down the pace of regulatory news, so let’s dive right in: FMCSA Corrects an error in its June 7,…