DG Digest articles

DG Digest: PHMSA Hazmat R&D Meeting

DG Digest: PHMSA Hazmat R&D Meeting

February 4, 2016: PHMSA announces Hazardous Materials R&D public meeting The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) announced that the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety (OHMS) will host a public meeting between March 23 and March 24, 2016, at the Department of Transportation (DOT) headquarters in Washington, D.C. The OHMS will be presenting the

DG Digest: More Lithium Battery News, PHMSA Special Permits and FRA Fines Hit Record Heights

Several items of note occurred in the DG world last week, with new and revised regulations affecting everything from Limited Quantities to Lithium Batteries and a vital Federal Agency noting that its enforcement penalties were way up: ICAO/IATA Lithium Battery Rules Changes Both the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association

DG Digest: ICAO’s Lithium Battery Changes Coming to The Technical Instructions

  Long-time observers of the various UN dangerous goods organizations could be forgiven for double checking their calendars in November, as the ICAO Secretariat issued the final report of the 25th meeting of the ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel (DGP) less than 3 weeks after the conclusion of the meeting. The reason for this surprising and

DG Digest: FMCSA lowers truckers’ substance test rates, will hold FAST sessions; FRA begins PTC data collection

December 24: FMCSA cuts random truckers’ testing rate for substance abuse to 25%. Good news for truck drivers and carriers—the United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has cut the random testing rate for substance abuse in half, from 50% to 25%. This should produce a nice savings for carriers,
