It’s easy (and often fun) to criticize movies and TV shows for getting things wrong, especially if it’s in an area near and dear to your heart. Whether it’s an anachronistic costume element, an improperly restored vintage car, or a storyline that violated established franchise canon, there are plenty of people out there ready to…
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DGTV: Three TV shows that (mostly) got hazmat right
DG Digest: FDA Actions on Lithium Batteries, EPA on Subsurface Intrusion, and Brazil to Adopt UMR
Greetings, everyone. The first complete new week of the New Year was categorized by relatively limited regulatory action, perhaps as everyone got back from the holiday and prepared to launch into the swing of things. Nevertheless, here are the items of note: FDA Lithium batteries continue their long reach into the affairs of the regulatory…
DG Digest: EPA Updates RMP to Reduce Accidents and Updates on Drug & Alcohol Testing from FRA/FMCSA
Happy New Year! I’m sure I speak for the entire Labelmaster family when I express our hope that you will enjoy a safe, happy, and prosperous 2017. Today’s digest covers the last two weeks of the year just concluded. Although activity was minimal, a number of issues worth noting occurred over the holiday period, so…
DG Digest: PHMSA Issues Safey Advisory for DOT-39 Cylinders and IATA Issues Revised 2017 Guidance for Lithium Batteries
It’s the countdown-to-the-holiday week! However you may or may not choose to celebrate the coming holiday period, I know that I speak for the entire Labelmaster family in expressing the hope that you are able to do so in peace, and surrounded by your friends and loved ones. We also thank you so very much…
Flying over the holidays? Don’t be human hazmat!
When you think about it, it’s amazing that we think nothing about flying thousands of miles to visit friends and family over the holidays. Flying is relatively inexpensive if you plan in advance, and—despite the airport crowds and potential weather delays—rarely qualifies as any kind of adventure. Beyond that, flying is also tremendously safe. In fact,…
A Letter from Bangkok on the 109th Meeting of the IATA Dangerous Goods Board
A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. – John A. Shedd (Salt from My Attic, 1928) A not so old adage that captures the balance between safety and action. A 21st century version might be “An airplane is safe in its hangar, but that’s not what…
DG Digest: EPA on e-Manifests for Haz Waste, Also Proposes Ban on TCE, and a BIG FMCSA Overhaul
It’s the last full week of autumn on the calendar, even though winter has made itself known across most of the country. Things slowed a little on the regulatory front, but still important news to think about. Let’s take a look: EPA One big change on the horizon is the coming use of electronic manifests…
The Hazmat Holiday Gift Guide for last-minute shoppers
You’re a busy hazmat professional. Who has time to shop for holiday gifts? Fortunately, you’re a hazmat professional. Some of the stuff you see and use every day can, with a little imagination, make clever gifts for just about anyone on your list. Plus you have access to the toughest, most durable packaging anywhere. This…
DG Digest: FMCSA’s Clearinghouse Database, FRA Issues Safety Advisory, and PHMSA Seeks Feedback on HMR Harmonization
Welcome to December! The last month of the year finds us launching into busy holiday preparations and also finds an extra busy past week when it comes to regulatory activity. Let’s see what happened out there: FMCSA The agency announced its plan to submit the Information Collection Request (ICR) described below to extend an existing…
DG Digest: EPA Hazwaste Revisions, FRA Issues Safety Advisory, and PHMSA Special Permit Activity Spikes
Welcome back everyone! Hopefully your Thanksgiving holiday was peaceful and fulfilling. With the shortened holiday week things were a little bit slow in the regulatory world, however even so there were several items of note. Let’s take a look: U.S. EPA The agency has published a significant revision to the hazardous waste rules that govern…