The beginning of the first week in May finds the nation collectively grateful to say goodbye to a COVID-19 dominated April that must certainly rank as one of the worst and certainly tragic such months in living memory. As May begins, various locations around the nation are starting to grapple with how to begin to…
DG Digest: PHMSA releases interpretive guide and USPS issues special exemption for hand sanitizer transport
The holiday weekend just concluded finds the nation still grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic as the overriding priority in virtually every aspect of our daily lives. This applies to the logistics sector as well, with several new items of interest related to the subject. Life does go on in the meantime too of course, and this is…
DG Digest: vital transport, extra hand sanitizer, critical infrastructure workforce — agencies respond to the global pandemic
As readers have no doubt already guessed, the global response to the COVID-19 outbreak dominates this week’s regulatory news, with a widening variety of actions now being promulgated to assist the transport industry in coping with the unprecedented situation. Labelmaster has been designated as an essential business in this circumstance and will continue to operate. …
DG Digest: DOT announces $1 billion in infrastructure grants
The first week in March finds the nation confronting a potentially serious health threat in the form of the new COVD-19 coronavirus. The biggest positive actions we as regulatory and EHS professionals can take to help our fellow employees is to encourage everyone to not panic, and to employ common sense precautions like thorough hand…
DG Digest: while not changing regulations, Transport Canada to reform the language of TDGR
Winter slogs on as we approach the end of February and look forward to March, which, according to tradition, “comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” Let’s all hope so! Meanwhile, the week just concluded saw a number of actions of interest, with both national and international actions taking place that…
DG Digest: FRA publishes regulation on risk reduction programs and FMCSA announces reduced fees for states
The week just ended found regulatory activity about normal—several actions of interest including several Special Permit actions from PHMSA and a big new final rule from the FRA. In another story that is not currently receiving heavy US media coverage, our Canadian neighbors are experiencing an environmental and political dispute that has had a significant impact…
DG Digest: In response to derailments, Transport Canada orders ‘Key Trains’ to limit speed to 25 mph
We begin the second week of February with Transport Canada taking center stage on the regulatory scene in a major action directed at addressing train operating safety following a pair of recent oil train derailments. Find the details on that below. A variety of other and somewhat less minor—but still interesting–actions rounded out the week’s…
DG Digest: FMCSA extends IRC on highway routing of hazmat, FRA sets drug & alcohol test rates for 2020
Last Saturday marked the Chinese New Year; the year 4718 in the Chinese calendar and the Year of the Rat, which renews the twelve year cycle of the Chinese Zodiac. In Chinese culture, rats represent the positive traits of quickness, cleverness, and the ability to thrive even under difficult circumstances. The Labelmaster family wishes all…
DG Digest: PHMSA special permit to allow liquified natural gas on railways
Mid-December finds regulatory activity about average, with several actions. At this time of year, our employees can feel very distracted with holiday plans and parties, shopping, and other preparations. Let’s all be sure to help them stay focused on safety both in the workplace and off the job. No one wants a holiday accident to…
DG Digest: OSHA to meet on policies to help improve worker safety in December
Mid-November found regulatory activity at minimal levels. Meanwhile, as the nation begins its transition into the holiday season, be sure that safety remains an important part of your employee population’s schedule. Here’s the latest news: OSHA The agency announced a meeting of its National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health, which, as its name…