Tag Archives: FMCSA

DG Digest: U.S Coast Guard issues final rule amending how waterfront facilities handle LNG

DG Digest: U.S Coast Guard issues final rule amending how waterfront facilities handle LNG

The first week in February is here, and the groundhog saw his shadow—six more weeks of winter!  Be sure your winter safety plan stays active until we all get through to the new Spring.  There was a variety of news from various federal agencies last week, including an ICR dealing with COVID issues from the

Dangerous Goods 2021: Regulatory highlights and their implications for 2022

If 2020 was the year of the pandemic, the global supply chain may remember 2021 as the year of the capacity crunch. With the pandemic still impacting workforces and travel, a perfect storm of other factors combined with surging demand to disrupt supply chains as never before. The Dangerous Goods regulatory world, while naturally affected

DG Digest: Court upholds suspension of OSHA Covid-19 vaccine mandate for many U.S. workplaces

Here we are in mid-November. Winter is rolling in quickly, so make sure your workplace has its cold weather plan ready. Snow removal needs are already here for some northern and high elevation locations, with much of the rest of the country sure to follow soon. Don’t get caught unprepared! The week saw relatively limited

DG Digest: PHMSA to suspend LNG transport in rail tank cars; OSHA to require proof of vaccination (or weekly testing) in January

The first full week of November is wrapping up with the release of OSHA’s long awaited Interim Final Rule in reference to COVID vaccine and/or testing mandates in the workplace. The measure is not without controversy. However, here we’ll only cover the rule’s contents. People doubtless have their own opinions in reference to the rule.

DG Digest: Transport Canada issues proposal to revise standards for aerosol production and disposal

Mid-October is here, and with it, lovely fall colors are on display across the nation. Although the country continues to battle the pandemic and deal with sundry other issues, it’s always important to remember that nature continues its yearly journey through the seasons, and we should all remember to stop and take time to appreciate the
