Tag Archives: OSHA

DG Digest: PHMSA Issues Pair of ICRs, USPS to Hold Webinar on LiBat Shipping, and BNSF Seeks O.K. to Use Drones

DG Digest: PHMSA Issues Pair of ICRs, USPS to Hold Webinar on LiBat Shipping, and BNSF Seeks O.K. to Use Drones

This morning’s blog finds our nation reeling from yet another senseless and horrific act of gun violence.  As we mourn the most recent wave of victims, let us all hope that someday, peace and reason and hope will replace fear and ignorance and anger as the way that all of us choose to relate to

DG Digest: Transport Canada Explores Mandatory DG Certification & AAR Will Meet to Discuss Bulk Transport of Hazmat

Fall is just around the corner; the official first day of autumn is this Friday.  Will the regulatory pace increase to wrap up the year?  Time will tell.  Meanwhile, here’s what was new this week: PHMSA The agency issued notifications for its receipt of both applications for new Special Permits as well as modifications of

DG Digest: New PHMSA Head? Mexico Updates Radioactive Materials Regulations

Labor Day has come and gone and the summer concluded with Labelmaster’s biggest annual event; the Dangerous Goods Symposium!  This year’s meeting was held in our headquarters city of Chicago, Illinois.  Hopefully many of you had an opportunity to attend; it’s one of our industry’s biggest get-togethers.  If not, see the rest of our blog

DG Digest 8-14-17

DG Digest: PHMSA Names a New Deputy Administrator; FRA and FMCSA Withdraw Sleep Apnea Standards

August is the month that Washington, DC takes off. Congress is not in session and many officials get of town—the city is famous for its humid and uncomfortable August weather. However, despite this the last week was fairly busy on the regulatory front, with a number of agencies announcing relevant action. Here’s the update: PHMSA

DG Digest: PHMSA Seeks Input for U.N. Geneva Meeting and USPS Revises Lithium Battery Rules

The end of July finds the Federal Register having roared back to life after a period of relative quiet; most of the action revolves around information requests versus rulemaking, but still, given how slow things have been in the US regulatory world, the activity is significant.  See all the action below. PHMSA The nation’s DG

DG Digest: US Air Force Updates AFMAN and the EPA Revises TSCA Handling of the Materials List

The summer quiet continues around the regulatory scene these last two weeks, with relatively minimal action.  Biggest news of the period was the issuance of a revised US Air Force “AFMAN,” which serves all of the US armed services as their guide to shipping hazardous materials.  It was the first such issuance in several years—2009,

DG Digest: PHMSA’s pre-emption of New York’s levy on hazmat may set precedent

The approach of mid-July finds summer getting in to full swing; remember to pay attention to managing heat related issues in your workplace, and remind everyone to watch out on the road—many more pedestrians, especially children, are “out and about” in the long dusk of the summer.  Safety first!  Here’s this week’s regulatory action: PHMSA

DG Digest: Key OSHA deadline extended; Transport Canada publishes revisions and harmonizes on lithium batteries

Happy July everyone! Hopefully, everyone enjoyed a long and relaxing Independence Day holiday. Our nation’s 241st birthday finds regulatory activity continuing to be slow; here’s the most recent standout items: OSHA On May 12, 2016, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published a rule entitled ‘‘Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses’’ with an

DG Digest: New York State Proposes Skirting Lax Federal Environmental Policy

PHMSA/OSHA June rolls the summer in with continuing low levels of US regulatory activity; perhaps the biggest news is the preparations under way for the big July UNECE meeting over in Geneva, Switzerland.  Will new international proposals impact the regulatory outlook here?  We’ll keep an eye on it for you!  Meanwhile, here is this week’s

DG Digest: New EPA RCRA hazwaste regulations commence today and California considers banning flouropolymers

Welcome back!  Hopefully, all of our readers had a chance to enjoy the kickoff holiday weekend of the summer; and also, to take time to remember the sacrifices that so many of our service members have made for all of us over the history of our country.  We honor each of them.  Regulatory activity continues
