Regulatory activity remains relatively low as the federal government’s “freeze” continues. Stay tuned to our blog, however, as we’ll continue to bring you all the news that matters to DG and HSE professionals. Here’s the latest update: USDOT The agency has published a new, thirty-one part internal agency guidance document providing DOT staff with a…
DG Digest: PHMSA Meeting Announcements
The end of this coming week will also feature then end of calendrical winter. Spring is always a welcome new season, but now is also a time to think about storm preparedness for your workplace. Spring weather often features heavy storm activity in many parts of the country. Be sure your safety and shelter plans…
DG Digest: PHMSA & OSHA announce ICR notices
This last weekend saw the US implement the annual (at least for now) “Spring forward” time change, advancing the clocks one hour. Studies show that it usually takes the average person about a week to adjust their biorhythms to the new normal. You can ease your way in by getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and…
DG Digest: Paul Roberti has been nominated to be the next administrator of PHMSA
It’s nearly the end of February, but winter weather continues to trouble much of the nation. Be sure not to lose focus on your workplace’s winter safety plan. Hang in there—we’re almost to spring! Regulatory activity picked up a little last week. Here’s the latest: PHMSA Paul Roberti has been nominated to be the next…
DG Digest: PHMSA published an “enforcement discretion” letter – Agency won’t take action against stakeholders using update international regs while working on harmonization.
This edition of the DG Digest publishes on the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King holiday. The Labelmaster family joins all Americans in honoring his legacy and being mindful that much work remains to fulfill his vision. It’s also Inauguration Day. As one administration exits and a new one enters, there are bound to be significant…
DG Digest: PHMSA extended the comment period for its NPRM HM-265, FMCSA final rule published.
The second full week of January finds the nation battling heavy winter weather in the Midwest and South, and the incredibly tragic fires in the Los Angeles area. Wherever you are, please stay safe. The Labelmaster family wishes all our friends in Los Angeles the very best as they work to get through this unprecedented…
DG Digest: PHMSA Included in U.S. DOT End of Year Civil Penalty Increases
This edition of the DG Digest marks the end of yet another year of Labelmaster’s weekly regulatory blog. Hopefully, our readers enjoy and find useful the news and events the blog reports on. Here’s wishing everyone a safe and happy New Year’s celebration, and a prosperous 2025. We’ll keep bringing you the news that the…
DG Digest: PHMSA Seeks Input on Categorical Exclusions and Transport Canada Offers Guidance on Dangerous Goods Classification
Mid-December finds the regulatory world relatively quiet as the holidays approach. The next few weeks will be busy with plans and get-togethers, so remember to plan for safe travel. Designated drivers are everyone’s friend. Here’s the latest news: PHMSA The agency is proposing to establish new categorical exclusions in accordance with the National Environmental Policy…
DG Digest: PHMSA Greenlights Special Permits, FMCSA Clarifies Regulations, OSHA Seeks Input on Methylene Chloride Standard
It was a relatively quiet week last week after the tumult of the now-completed election season. With the transition between administrations now underway, most federal agencies tend to follow a low profile, since policy and priorities are likely to shift in January. Meanwhile, here is the week’s news: PHMSA The agency has released its latest…
DG Digest: PHMSA Wants Your Input on Safety Investigations and the EPA Announces Revised Civil Penalty
The election cycle is over and as everyone is no doubt already aware, the White House and parts of Congress will be transitioning to new leadership. This typically creates a certain amount of upheaval and refocus in the nation’s regulatory directives, so we’ll all have to wait and see what happens. We’ll keep bringing you…