Tag Archives: Transport Canada

DG Digest: Transport Canada issues proposal to revise standards for aerosol production and disposal

DG Digest: Transport Canada issues proposal to revise standards for aerosol production and disposal

Mid-October is here, and with it, lovely fall colors are on display across the nation. Although the country continues to battle the pandemic and deal with sundry other issues, it’s always important to remember that nature continues its yearly journey through the seasons, and we should all remember to stop and take time to appreciate the

DG Digest: FMCSA to extend compliance date for some provisions of Medical Examiner’s Certification for three years.

Believe it or not, it’s already the lead up week to the Independence Day holiday. We all know what that means—increased use of both legal and, unfortunately, some illegal fireworks by the general public. Be sure to remind your employees that they should behave extra safely around fireworks—after all, as DG professionals, we know what these explosive

DG Digest: Transport Canada to impose new fees for dangerous goods packaging producers

Transport Canada In action impacting Canadian producers of dangerous goods packaging, the Ministry is holding a webinar on the proposed regulations that introduce new fees for companies required to be registered under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Directorate’s Means of Containment Facilities Registration Program. The Ministry is proposing to introduce new fees and service

DG Digest: Transport Canada updates guidance on COVID-19 related infectious substances, will conduct remote oversight for now

The third week of April found the nation still focused on vaccination efforts. Some companies are hosting vaccination events on their premises, some for employees only, and others for both employees and members of the surrounding community. If your company is holding such an event, make sure that all appropriate safety and security processes are in place

DG Digest: Transport Canada updates COVID-19 exemptions and the Chemical Safety Board to meet virtually on April 2nd.

The end of March finds the regulatory world continuing a fairly quiet spell. Meanwhile, with the return of spring weather, the threat of severe weather is appearing on the radar screen for many areas of the country. If your business is in a place impacted by spring storm season, be sure you and your employees have and

DG Digest: See the significant changes to Amendment 40 of the Covid-19-delayed IMDG Code.

The last full week of the month begins with a new administration in place in Washington.  On the DG front, PHMSA will continue business as usual for now.  What impact (or not) the new political environment may have on our industry community’s specific interests remain to be seen.  The Senate is currently working on the

DG Digest: Transport Canada extends temporary COVID-related certifications through January 2021.

As may have been expected with the nation focused so heavily on the national election last week, regulatory activity was at a minimum. Sadly however, the pandemic took no break, with infections rising sharply across our nation. As HS&E professionals, let’s all do what we can to help protect our workplaces and model effective mitigation measures. Only

DG Digest: IATA releases download of Appendix H on competency-based training in advance of 2023 mandate

It’s the second full week of October—time flies!  Now’s a great time to review and if need be update your workplace’s cold weather plans.  It won’t be too long in many places before snow and ice make a potential early season comeback, so a safety plan for your employees always makes sense.  Meanwhile, it’s Thanksgiving
