The coming week features St. Patrick’s Day! For most people it’s a chance for fun and a commemoration of our nation’s rich Irish cultural heritage. Be sure to celebrate safely! Here’s last week’s regulatory news: PHMSA The agency issued a new set of Special Permit actions last week. See the actions here: 2022-04944.pdf ( 2022-04947.pdf ( 2022-04948.pdf (…
DG Digest: FMCSA to increase commercial vehicle interior windshield size to accommodate on-board safety technology
The end of the first week in March finds the world watching a full-scale war in the heart of Europe. Exactly what impact that will have long-term beyond the obvious human tragedy remains to be seen, but short term, it is going to add many challenges to an already pandemic stressed supply chain. Labelmaster will do…
DG Digest: U.S. EPA proposes revised emission limits for facilities involved with lead acid battery manufacturing
It’s the last day of February—March rolls in tomorrow with its promise of the coming Spring. I’m sure all of us are ready after another winter battling the pandemic and now with the very troubled international situation taking shape in Europe. Let us all hope for better times soon. It was a quiet regulatory week; here’s…
DG Digest: IAEA Considering Radioactive Materials Transport Revisions, Could Impact 49 CFR and Other Modal Regulations
Winter rolls on. It’s the third week of February and if you’re like most folks, you’re pretty probably tired of the damp, dark, and cold. Hang in there! This too shall pass. Meanwhile, bear down and keep focusing on those winter safety plans. It’s easy for many employees to start paying less attention to things…
DG Digest: PHMSA publishes latest round of Special Permits
It’s Valentine’s Day! Hopefully there is something sweet in store for you and your family for it. Enjoy it! In a regulatory sense, mid-February finds things relatively “business-as-usual,” with some of the typical items promulgated over the last week. Here’s the latest: PHMSA The agency published it’s latest raft of Special Permit actions, with some of the typical…
DG Digest: U.S Coast Guard issues final rule amending how waterfront facilities handle LNG
The first week in February is here, and the groundhog saw his shadow—six more weeks of winter! Be sure your winter safety plan stays active until we all get through to the new Spring. There was a variety of news from various federal agencies last week, including an ICR dealing with COVID issues from the…
DG Digest: Federal Agencies Release Semi-annual Agendas
Here we are at the end of January already! One month gone from the New Year. Hopefully, your resolutions are still sticking. Meanwhile, time flies, but at least we’re all a month closer to the new Spring. Let’s all get through the rest of the winter safely—keep your cold weather plan up to date and…
DG Digest: FMCSA Proposal Would Reduce State Fees by 27% in 2022
It’s the middle of what is typically the worst month of winter weather over much of the country—let’s stay focused on keeping our employees safe, especially if your facility has work outside. Falls and frostbite are nothing to sniff at, and as HS&E professionals we need to stay on top of things. Keep walkways clear of…
DG Digest: US Agencies Adjust Civil Penalties for 2022
As the week begins the nation honors the memory of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The Labelmaster family joins all Americans in recognizing the gigantic importance of Dr. King’s work and his lasting legacy. Mid-January finds the nation finished with the winter holidays and struggling with the inevitable resulting surge in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Many…
DG Digest: U.S. DOT Releases Draft (FY 2022-2026) Strategic Framework
Happy New Year! The week just ended finds the nation entering 2022 and finishing up another busy holiday season—now it’s time to bear down, get through the rest of the winter, and head into what we certainly all hope will be a springtime marked by progress and improvement. If your resolutions include keeping up more…