Welcome to fall! Let’s all hope the new season brings progress on our nation’s efforts to cope with the pandemic, and that the cooler weather helps with the wildfires on our West Coast and brings an end to what has been a very active Atlantic hurricane season. 2020 has just kept coming! We hope you…
DG Digest: Transport Canada releases extensions to COVID-19-related exemptions
The last full week of the summer was a quiet one in the regulatory world, with the action centered on a set of Transport Canada extensions of COVID related regulatory exemptions. See below for those details. Meanwhile, let’s all keep working to help keep our employees and families safe by continuing to follow the recommendations…
DG Digest: IATA releases ‘list of significant changes’ to the 62nd DGR
The week just ended featured a federal holiday. As is often the case at such times, it was extremely quiet in a regulatory sense. However there was one important exception to that from our international partners; the IATA released its “List of Significant Changes” to the Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) in the coming 62nd Edition. That edition becomes…
DG Digest: FMCSA proposes pilot program on Hours Of Service for drivers
PHMSA The agency issued its latest group of Special Permit Actions. The actions cover subjects as diverse as cylinder qualifications to the securement of fireworks within transport vehicles. See the actions here: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-09-04/pdf/2020-19646.pdf https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-09-04/pdf/2020-19641.pdf https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-09-04/pdf/2020-19643.pdf FMCSA The agency proposed a pilot program to allow temporary regulatory relief from the Agency’s hours-of-service (HOS) requirement that all…
DG Digest: U.S. Agencies Publish Semi-annual Agendas & We Preview the 2021 Early 49 CFR
The end of August brings us to the transition to the autumn and in particular the coming Labor Day holiday. With this year’s pandemic still weighing so heavily on our nation, let’s all remember to enjoy that holiday in accordance with the recommendations of our health experts. Employees may be planning their weekends too, and can…
DG Digest: Transport Canada to allow some COVID-19 DG-related transport exemptions to expire
As we roll towards the end of the summer period, the nation continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s all remember to social distance, wear masks when needed, and wash our hands. 2020 has turned into a long haul for everyone, but together we can beat this thing. Keep working at it! It was…
DG Digest: PHMSA published three sets of Special Permits, EPA released final TSCA evaluation of 1-BP
It’s mid-August and although the pandemic continues to dominate the news cycle, it’s a great time to remember to help protect the safety of employees during the heat of the summer. It’s the hottest time of the year in most of the country; make sure that workers remain mindful of their safety, and keep your…
DG Digest: USPS Offers Two Pub. 52 Change Proposals
The nation enters the second week of August with most of the country still struggling to contain the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Be sure you, your family, and your workplace colleagues do the best you can to help stop the spread and protect everyone’s health. There was a variety of news this week. The Postal Service…
DG Digest: PHMSA issues ICR on safety of last week’s ruling allowing LNG on railways
The nation enters August still struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic; so far at least it shows little signs of abating in most of the country. We can all help control this outbreak by following appropriate CDC guidelines, being mindful of our neighbors, and doing our best to help. We can win this fight, but we…
DG Digest: PHMSA and FRA to allow LNG (UN 1972) on railways in enhanced tankers
As we approach the end of July, response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to dominate the nation’s attention and effort. Accelerating infection rates in many regions are causing renewed shutdowns at some employers. What we can do as an industry is to work to help keep our employees as safe as possible, and ensure that…