DG Digest articles

DG Digest: PHMSA’s pre-emption of New York’s levy on hazmat may set precedent

DG Digest: PHMSA’s pre-emption of New York’s levy on hazmat may set precedent

The approach of mid-July finds summer getting in to full swing; remember to pay attention to managing heat related issues in your workplace, and remind everyone to watch out on the road—many more pedestrians, especially children, are “out and about” in the long dusk of the summer.  Safety first!  Here’s this week’s regulatory action: PHMSA

DG Digest: Key OSHA deadline extended; Transport Canada publishes revisions and harmonizes on lithium batteries

Happy July everyone! Hopefully, everyone enjoyed a long and relaxing Independence Day holiday. Our nation’s 241st birthday finds regulatory activity continuing to be slow; here’s the most recent standout items: OSHA On May 12, 2016, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published a rule entitled ‘‘Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses’’ with an

DG Digest: PHMSA Special Permits Announced and the EPA Amends the ‘All Appropriate Inquiries’ Rule

The last Monday of the month (already!) finds a new week of regulatory activity at a slightly quicker pace than has been typical of late.  A quick reminder to be safe in the coming summer heat!  It’s easy to forget to keep our workplaces safe from heat related injury or illness—be sure your premises aren’t

DG Digest: New York State Proposes Skirting Lax Federal Environmental Policy

PHMSA/OSHA June rolls the summer in with continuing low levels of US regulatory activity; perhaps the biggest news is the preparations under way for the big July UNECE meeting over in Geneva, Switzerland.  Will new international proposals impact the regulatory outlook here?  We’ll keep an eye on it for you!  Meanwhile, here is this week’s

DG Digest: New EPA RCRA hazwaste regulations commence today and California considers banning flouropolymers

Welcome back!  Hopefully, all of our readers had a chance to enjoy the kickoff holiday weekend of the summer; and also, to take time to remember the sacrifices that so many of our service members have made for all of us over the history of our country.  We honor each of them.  Regulatory activity continues

DG Digest: ICAO releases variations, U.S. exploring cabin laptop ban, and OSHA issues comment period on scissor lifts

As we roll towards the end of May and the beginning of summer, regulatory activity continues at a slower pace than had characterized the previous several years as federal agencies retool to meet the new administration’s much reduced focus on the subject.  How will that play out long term?  Stick with our weekly blog, and

DG Digest: EPA extentions, proposed new rules for table saws, and OSHA is looking for training partners

Welcome to mid-May!  It was another fairly quiet week in the regulatory world, with what news there was mainly focused in the environmental and safety sectors.  Here’s the brief: U.S. EPA On December 15, 2016, EPA issued a notice in the Federal Register requesting public comment on whether revision to the current size standards for

DG Digest: FRA delays new training rule and OSHA nixes new record-keeping rules they recently approved

Welcome to the second week of May.  One more week until most of the nation reaches the “frost line cutoff,” when it is assumed safe to plant those spring annuals.  Are you ready?  The bright colors of summer are finally on the horizon!  It was a fairly quiet week in regulations, with most action focusing

DG Digest: FRA updates guidance on grade crossings and OSHA renews its ICR on anhydrous ammonia

It’s May Day—a date observed worldwide as a Labor Holiday.  Hopefully, you can mark the day by working towards even greater safety, productivity, and involvement for your own work force, wherever it may be.  It was a quiet week on the regulatory front, but here’s the news of note: FRA The agency issued revamped guidance
