As part of our nation basks in Spring warmth and other areas get snowed under, the DG news flow this week was a little more quiet than has been the recent norm. Here are the most relevant briefs: Special Lithium Battery Regulatory Update Webinar: Shipping Lithium Batteries by air remains a huge topic of interest…
DG Digest: PHMSA Adopts ICAO Battery Rules, EPA Sets New Limits for TCE, and New Coast Guard Vessel Tracking System
It’s been another busy week in the world of Dangerous Goods and EH&S. Here’s a few of the highlights: Transport Canada: Our neighbor’s version of the USDOT released a proposed revision to their performance standard for aerosol containers and gas cartridges. The revision is intend to increase the level of safety for these items and…
DG Digest: FRA Grants, PHMSA Reverse Logistics, & D.O.T. Seeks Public’s Help
As the weather begins to turn for the better in most places, the regulatory world stays busy. Here are the past week’s notables: U.S. D.O.T. Announced its latest five-year research and development plan and asked for public input to its development. The plan gets used as a guide to help decide things like funding priorities…
DG Digest: OSHA, the EPA and Canada Round Out a Busy Week
After a holiday weekend for many, we’re back on task with the most recent doings in the world of Dangerous Goods, EH&S, and other relevant regulations: OSHA: It seems that the agency’s effort to develop a rule dealing with so-called “Combustible Dusts” may be faltering. Apparently OSHA has pushed the issuance of any NPRM off…
DG Digest: FRA Minimum Crews, PHMSA Special Permits, and Coast Guard Drones
Welcome to Spring! Here’s the latest news from another busy week in the world of Dangerous Goods, EH&S, and associated regulations: Federal Railroad Administration: The FRA issued a new proposed rule which would mandate two-person minimum crews for all trains operating with certain commodities and under certain conditions; this in continued response to the Lac…
DG Digest: MH370 Anniversary Fuels Speculation, Guide to Paraquat Hazard Mitigation
Another busy week in the world of Dangerous Goods, EH&S, and associated regulations: FMCSA: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) extended the comment period for its proposed rulemaking revising the way in it assigns “Carrier Safety Fitness Determinations.” These determinations can be important to carriers for reasons like frequency of inspections, insurance costs, and…
DG Digest: From OSHA’s “Flashpoint” Definition to FRA’s Quiet Zones
Another eventful week on the DG/Transport Scene! OSHA OSHA issued a revised definition of “Flashpoint,” correcting a CFR omission in its most recent iteration of the 29 CFR. OSHA has partnered with the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) to create a new informational website which offers greatly enhanced safety guidance for users…
DG Digest: One February 29th Every 4 Years Means Everything Happens That Day!
Leap Year’s Day brings with it a plethora of DG news to start the week: Transport Canada Released a request for response to proposed amendments to its own Dangerous Goods regulations. The new amendments cover, in general terms, training requirements, further efforts to harmonize US and Canadian efforts in the DG field, and a very…
DG Digest: China Transport Ministry Update, Battery Manufacturers Meet on OSHA, and RCC Webinar Information
Feb 9th – China In overseas news, the Transport Ministry of the People’s Republic of China has published new guidelines reinforcing the safety of handling of explosives, ammonia, and other materials of high concern at its ports of entry. The work comes after last summer’s deadly fire and explosions in the Chinese port city of…
DG Digest: Star Wars criminal complaint, TDGR harmonization, and so much more!
The run-up to Valentine’s Day was not without interest in the world of Dangerous Goods and EH&S. Among the many highlights in a rather eventful week: February 9 The FRA issued a new rule regarding improved window glazing strength in all new locomotives and passenger carrying cars. The action comes as increased focus on railroad…