Tag Archives: FAA

DG Digest: OSHA updates workplace Covid-19 guidance and the FAA updates its ‘DRS’ database

DG Digest: OSHA updates workplace Covid-19 guidance and the FAA updates its ‘DRS’ database

Today marks the first day of February—already!  As veterans of the election transition process may have expected, the last week of the month featured a fairly quiet regulatory scene as one result of the new administration taking over in Washington, DC.  It’s common after a change in administrations for things to get a little slow

DG Digest: US DOT & Sub-agencies Publish Civil Penalties for 2021

Despite our hopes for a smoother start, the second week of the new year found the nation facing not only the ongoing pandemic but also unprecedented political turmoil in Washington, DC.  However as Dangerous Goods/EHS Professionals, it’s our job to keep looking forward to better times and to make sure we all do our part

An explosive finish to Lithium Battery Week at the 2020 DG Symposium

The final two sessions of Lithium Battery Week at the 2020 Dangerous Goods Symposium were explosive, in different ways. One session featured carriers, regulators, industry reps and top trainers squaring off on the hottest topic in hazmat transport, and other featured video of batteries actually blowing up. Here’s a brief recap. Let’s watch lithium batteries

DG Digest: FMCSA reviewing HOS rules, FAA seeks further data on drones, and the EPA wants to designate certain ‘high-priority’ chemicals

The penultimate week of the summer season was not quite as busy as last week’s heavy action; however, the federal government did have some actions of note, particularly to motor carriers, drone aircraft operators, and chemical manufacturers.  See the week’s events below: FMCSA The agency proposed amendments to its hours-of-service (HOS) requirements to provide greater

How much do new civil penalties for hazmat violations actually cost you?

As Labelmaster Staff Regulatory Specialist Nikki Burgess reported a couple of weeks back, many federal agencies recently raised their civil penalties about 2.5% for Dangerous Goods regulatory citations. In other words, any compliance errors you make will now cost you a little more. Update! On October 29, 2019, penalties at many agencies were increased an

DG Digest: FAA may ease fire protection rules for transport aircraft

Last week included a holiday period and as such regulatory activity was at rather low ebb.  However, the FMCSA stayed fairly busy with several issuances, and the FAA announced an interesting new NPRM related to fire protection standards for transport aircraft.  See the week’s action below: FMCSA The agency amended its Hazardous Materials Safety Permit

New survey will get pilots’ thoughts on Dangerous Goods training

We’ve written plenty about the importance of training for people who prepare Dangerous Goods shipments for air transport. But what about the people who actually fly the planes? James Wyatt, Senior Vice President Aviation Solutions at Avialytics GmbH, believes the training needs of pilots and flight crews aren’t adequately addressed by currently available resources. And

DG Digest: OSHA issues guidance aiming to protect workers from lithium batteries worn as personal equipment

Mid-February finds a variety of action taking place on the regulatory front as everyone waits for winter to run its course.  With the shutdown now receding, agencies have ramped back up to normal operations, and are busy with their schedules.  Here’s all the latest: FAA The agency published the renewal of an ICR affecting Part
