DG Digest articles

DG Digest: PHMSA seeks renewal of ICRs for transport of radioactive materials in commerce

DG Digest: PHMSA seeks renewal of ICRs for transport of radioactive materials in commerce

The last weekend of February finds the nation still coping with heavy winter weather.  Perhaps March will see things get better, but don’t let up on your efforts to keep employees safe from snow and ice, and keep hoping for an early spring!  Meanwhile, regulatory activity was somewhat lighter this week.  Here’s the latest: PHMSA

DG Digest: OSHA issues guidance aiming to protect workers from lithium batteries worn as personal equipment

Mid-February finds a variety of action taking place on the regulatory front as everyone waits for winter to run its course.  With the shutdown now receding, agencies have ramped back up to normal operations, and are busy with their schedules.  Here’s all the latest: FAA The agency published the renewal of an ICR affecting Part

DG Digest: FRA publishes emergency relief docket and DOT reviewing need for some external guidance documents

The last two weeks found federal agencies slowly returning to their normal schedules following the recent shutdown.  The result?  A much busier DG Digest!  Meanwhile, much of the country is experiencing the grip of the depth of winter.  Is your workplace safe for employees?  Remember to keep your walkways clear and dry, watch inside flooring

DG Digest: OSHA rescinds rule for some employers to efile injury and illness rates

After a hiatus tied to the government shutdown, the DG Digest returns along with the reopening Monday morning of the federal agencies we cover.  What will the now-ended shutdown’s impact be?  It’s difficult to say for certain.  The biggest item on PHMSA’s agenda is the HM-215O international harmonization NPRM; comments on that are scheduled to

DG Digest: Regulatory news from PHMSA, FMCSA, EPA and more as 2018 ends with partial government shutdown.

The end of the year finds portions of the federal government shut down, including the Department of Transportation. At press time, there was no specific information or guidance on either the DOT or PHMSA websites as to the exact impact that this shutdown will have on regulatory schedules or other departmental activity. This column will

DG Digest: IATA updates lithium battery handling guidance and the FAA posts 2019 drug and alcohol testing rates

Our entry into December and the full-on holiday season finds regulatory activity back to a slightly lower level after last week’s big HM-215O release.  Don’t let the holiday rush impact your workplace’s safety plan; many people have busy schedules and lots to do away from the job for the next month or so.  Be sure

DG Digest: PHMSA’s proposed harmonization rule — HM-215O — released, comment period closes early in 2019

Hopefully everyone has had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday period—welcome back!  The last two busy weeks of regulatory activity are below, with the elephant in the room being the release this morning of PHMSA’s HM-215O International Harmonization NPRM, or proposed rule.  This rule, once implemented, would align US regulations with those found in the

DG Digest: PHMSA publishes HM-219A in hopes of clarifying some regulatory confusion

On Sunday the nation paused to thank its veterans; Labelmaster joins with all Americans to express gratitude to all whose service has meant so much to our country.  The week’s news is led by an important PHMSA release as the agency published HM-219A; see below for all the details as well as other regulatory news:
