As 2019 quickly approaches, lithium battery shippers need to be aware of the mandatory label changes that become effective on January 1st. For almost 2 years shippers of small (excepted) batteries and battery-powered devices have had the option to use either the lithium battery handling “Caution” label or the lithium battery mark while operating under…
10,000 miles, 5 sets of hazmat regulations? Welcome to Latin America
If you work in Dangerous Goods in North America or Europe, you’ve probably complained at one time or another about the complexity of ever-changing hazmat regulations. Diego Gotelli would like you to know that, compared to Dangerous Goods pros in Latin America, you have it easy. Gotelli, director of the Argentinian emergency response agency CIQUIME,…
Your fall guide to 2019 Dangerous Goods regulatory publications
Who doesn’t love fall? The trees go ablaze with color, the air takes on that indescribable crispness, and the latest Dangerous Goods regulatory publications become available. (Alternate opening for those in the southern hemisphere: Who doesn’t love spring? The trees burst from grey to green, the air takes on that indescribable lushness, and the latest…
Will the updated IMDG Code help prevent another maritime DG disaster?
A common frustration of working in the Dangerous Goods supply chain is “keeping up with constantly changing regulations.” Why do the rules change so often? One reason regulations change? It’s to prevent incidents like the devastating 2012 explosion aboard the container ship MSC Flaminia, in which three crew members were killed. Earlier this month, the…
Begin Using those New EPA 5-Part Hazardous Waste Manifests on June 30th!
If you or your company generate or handle hazardous waste, you should be aware by now that the EPA will launch their new e-Manifest system on June 30, 2018 (only 15 days away!). The e-Manifest system is a national system to track hazardous waste electronically, and will eventually completely replace paper manifests. For at least…
What device manufacturers can learn from the failure of Bluesmart
Why device manufacturers must build compliance into their R&D When your product runs on lithium batteries, it isn’t enough to comply with current regulations. Your survival may depend on how well you anticipate future restrictions. Bluesmart learned that lesson the hard way. Earlier this month, the maker of “smart” luggage had to shut down due…
PHMSA publishes proposed upcoming regulatory agenda
The US government’s Office of Management and Budget, or OMB, recently published the projected regulatory agenda that PHMSA intends to pursue over the next six months. Federal agencies typically publish their agendas on a semiannual basis as an indicator of the priorities they envision working on. Such activities will be published in the Federal Register…
IATA Publishes 2018 Guidelines for Passengers Traveling with Lithium Batteries
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) today published their guidelines for passengers traveling with lithium batteries and devices that contain lithium batteries. Please download and refer to their full guide here: LithiumBatteryPassengers_March 2018. Some highlights: Effective March, 2018 These rules are already in effect as of March. The guide covers topics like: Types of batteries and when…
What do hazardous waste labels say about your DG partner?
In the world of Dangerous Goods transport, a few millimeters can send otherwise calm logistics professionals scrambling for that extra bottle of Tums. That’s what happened in January 2017, when an update to the 49 CFR (section 172.301, for you regulation geeks) went into effect mandating that, for all hazmat or hazardous waste packages larger…
Hazmat hopes: A 2018 wish list from top Dangerous Goods professionals
Last November, we asked our readers a simple question: What’s your biggest wish for 2018 in the entire Dangerous Goods galaxy? What regulation would you change? What stress-inducing process would you simplify? What one thing would you change to make your job easier—and the world safer? DG pros from all over responded, with wishes ranging…