Tag Archives: Featured Article

Quiz: Are you a large format lithium battery transport expert? Part 2

Quiz: Are you a large format lithium battery transport expert? Part 2

Compliantly shipping lithium batteries large enough for electric vehicles, data centers or solar power storage is challenging. Lots of hazmat pros were stumped by our recent quiz, so we decided to give you all another shot! Don’t know all the answers? Remember, you can always work with the experts at Labelmaster. Make sure your shipments

Supply Chain Moves: Week of June 12th, 2023

  Week of June 12th, 2023 Linking supply chain news with dangerous goods compliance Automation is not new, but it continues to become a greater area of focus across all supply chain functions in nearly every industry.   Let’s examine some recent industry news.  SUPPLY CHAIN NEWS OUR PERSPECTIVE To learn more about dangerous goods software

New DOT Special Permit makes Capsuloc™ secondary hazmat containers even more essential.

Last year, we introduced Capsuloc™—an innovative new secondary hazmat container that was superior to paint can-style secondary containers in almost every way. Now, there’s no “almost” about it. On May 10, 2023, PHMSA issued Special Permit DOT-SP 21488, which gives Capsuloc relief from regulatory burdens similar to the relief received by other Special Permit packaging

Supply Chain Moves: Week of May 29th, 2023

  Week of May 29th, 2023 Linking supply chain news with dangerous goods compliance Labor shortages continue to be a challenge across the supply chain. This has businesses looking to further automate their processes and optimize their existing workforce.   Let’s examine some recent industry news.  SUPPLY CHAIN NEWS OUR PERSPECTIVE To learn more about dangerous

Prescription for Dangerous Goods anxiety? Use DGIS hazmat software regularly!

Ever wish you could take a pill that would instantly help you feel better about your hazmat shipping operation—and life in general? Unfortunately, there’s no such pill. But there is DGIS. Our DGIS solution—a.k.a. Dangerous Goods Information System—can relieve the acute anxiety you may feel about your company’s hazmat processes. If you’re depressed about outdated

Supply Chain Moves: Week of May 15th, 2023

  Week of May 15th, 2023 Linking supply chain news with dangerous goods compliance In today’s challenging supply chain environment, some companies are finding it difficult to navigate disruptions while others are more equipped to navigate those challenges. Likewise, some are increasing investment in key areas of their operations and lacking in others.   Let’s examine

Top 5 reasons to attend the 2023 Dangerous Goods Symposium

The Dangerous Goods Symposium is going to be live and in person once again – Wednesday and Thursday, September 6-7 in Chicago.   The DG Symposium is where the hazmat transport industry and the business community connect. This year’s event will feature two full days of domestic and international regulatory updates, a master class panel

Ready to start calling hazmat training “Dangerous Goods gaming”?

General awareness training is the foundation of all Dangerous Goods training. Virtually everyone whose job involves handling, managing or transporting hazardous materials in any way is required to take general awareness training—and renew their training every three years. Since everyone has to take it, shouldn’t it appeal to the most people? That was the idea
