On January 1, 2020, a new regulation goes into effect that will impact every organization that manufactures or distributes lithium batteries and/or the equipment they power. These companies will be required to share information, known as a “test summary,” that proves their batteries meet the testing standards as defined in sub-section 38.3 of the UN…
Shipping hazmat to (or from) China? Here are 5 things you must know
One of the most fascinating presentations at the latest Dangerous Goods Symposium was from Terry Guo, CDGP, DGSA, Regulatory Specialist and China Representative with IHMM. His presentation on “Hazardous Materials Transport Requirements in China” was an excellent primer on a very complex subject. You can download his full presentation here, but we also spoke with…
Postal rates may increase if U.S. departs Universal Postal Union
Although it does not have the current traction in the news that many other topics do, a technical arrangement that governs the US Postal Service’s relations to other international postal bodies may leave US-based shippers facing higher fees. A meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on September 25-26th is more or less the last chance for the…
DG Symposium Day 3: learning from Lithium Battery Friday
You know you’re in a conference full of Dangerous Goods pros when a panelist says, “Hey, how about that electric violin at Labelmaster Fest last night? What do you suppose the watt-hour rating on those rechargeable batteries is?” Yes, it was Lithium Battery Friday at the Dangerous Goods Symposium—a annual tradition where a panel of…
DG Symposium Day 2: A spotlight on advanced hazmat technology
Technology was one of the dominant themes of the 4th annual Dangerous Goods Confidence Outlook, the results of which were revealed during Day 1 of the 2019 Dangerous Goods Symposium. Among the survey’s findings: 55% of companies rely on manual processes, at least in part, for shipping hazmat. 45% called their ability to centrally store…
How much do new civil penalties for hazmat violations actually cost you?
As Labelmaster Staff Regulatory Specialist Nikki Burgess reported a couple of weeks back, many federal agencies recently raised their civil penalties about 2.5% for Dangerous Goods regulatory citations. In other words, any compliance errors you make will now cost you a little more. Update! On October 29, 2019, penalties at many agencies were increased an…
DG Digest: A major new NPRM (HM-219C) from PHMSA, plus updates from FMCSA, OSHA and more.
It’s still a few weeks until Labor Day and the unofficial end of the season. However in strong contrast to the recent summer regulatory doldrums, as we head towards summer’s end the Federal Register was busy indeed this week with multiple large published actions by a number of relevant agencies. Grab your coffee and find…
How to get strategic about hazmat packaging efficiency
If you’re an e-commerce customer—and who isn’t these days?—you’ve probably had the experience of receiving a small item in a large package and wondering, Was this really the most efficient way to ship this thing? As a supply chain professional, however, you know the answer probably isn’t that simple. Packaging efficiency in today’s decentralized omnichannel…
Explosives aren’t the only e-commerce hazmat you might ship for July 4th
July 4th is the day we celebrate being American, and what’s more American than getting what you want, when you want it? E-commerce delivers on that dream for millions of Americans every day, and that can be a beautiful thing. It can also be a dangerous thing, because many e-commerce shippers still don’t realize when…
DG Symposium preview: IATA’s Nicolas Carlone on automation and virtual reality
Nicolas Carlone, Assistant Director of DGR and Cargo Publications at IATA, will speak on Dangerous Goods acceptance automation—and give a live demo of IATA’s new virtual reality training tool—at the 14th annual Dangerous Goods Symposium, September 4–6, 2019, in Chicago. During last year’s Dangerous Goods Symposium, we wrote, “Sometime in the not-too-distant future, someone will…