Regulations articles

Hazmat tax? California’s new levy on local rail carriers draws ire (and lawsuits)

Hazmat tax? California’s new levy on local rail carriers draws ire (and lawsuits)

Ever since the Lac Megantic derailment disaster in 2013, North American rail carriers have been engaged in a running administrative battle with assorted local municipalities that have tried, so far without success, to impose local taxes or fees on the carriage of dangerous goods over the railroads that pass through their communities. This is an

Lithium battery enforcement: We need a level playing field before new restrictions

Lithium battery enforcement: A level playing field will boost safety immediately

Neil McCulloch contributed to this article.  Monday’s press release from IATA, highlighting the problems and implications of non-enforcement of existing lithium battery shipping regulations, is both salutary and discouraging. Salutary, because we’ve long been on record as saying that comprehensive enforcement of existing regulations would have a larger impact on safety than enacting new regulations. Many other

Changes to 58th Edition of the IATA DGR – A Synopsis

In late July, the International Aviation Transport Association (IATA) released a summary document in reference to the changes that will appear in the 58th edition of their Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA DGR). This edition will become effective on January 1st, 2017.  While many changes are of a minor or administrative nature, a number of significant


How will Brexit affect Dangerous Goods transport for the UK and Europe?

Like several of my Labelmaster colleagues, I’m an accredited DGSA, from DGAC’s SQA affiliated training program (No one can say Dangerous Goods is short of acronyms!) and hence well versed in the ADR. What those acronyms mean is that I’m somewhat knowledgeable about European Dangerous Goods regulations as they are applied in Great Britain. As

Okay, Fine! PHMSA to Increase Penalties on August 1st

The USDOT’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) took a big step forward yesterday in upping the ante for shippers who knowingly violate the regulation contained in the US 49 CFR Parts 100 – 185 Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR).  Increases in penalties had been bandied about the industry for some time, and have now

In Geneva, UN Dangerous Goods Experts Hash Out Coming Regulatory Changes

The structure of the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) in the US 49 CFR Parts 100 – 185 may seem byzantine at first; it’s hardly light reading.  However, it is actually built upon a very sound and logical structure.  US regulations are in large part based on and or harmonized to the Dangerous Goods regulations (it’s

Hazmat legislation: TSCA reform proves Congress can still do its job

The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act—an overdue reform of the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, better known as TSCA—has passed both houses of Congress. President Obama will soon sign it into law. This is obviously big news for the chemical industry, but it should be big news for all

20 Years On, Remembering (and Learning) from ValuJet Flight 592

Twenty years ago today, ValuJet Flight 592 took off from Miami’s airport only to within minutes be destroyed after an intense fire in the cargo hold sent the aircraft into a nearly vertical dive which almost totally obliterated it in Everglades swampland. Miami remembers, as do I, as Dangerous Goods Manager with IATA at the time.

19th Edition of UN Model Regulations Foretells Changes to the 58th IATA DGR

2017 will bring in a new edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions which sees ICAO’s biennial catch up with the UN Model Regulations; this time to reflect the 19th revised edition. In consequence, IATA also plays catch up with updating and upgrading their DGR manual to parallel the new edition of the TI. Usually this

How can you keep customer returns of Dangerous Goods compliant?

Q: Reviewing the PHMSA HM-253 Final Rule on reverse logistics issued March 31, it appears it doesn’t really address returns from consumers to suppliers or manufacturers. How do you suggest keeping these shipments compliant? You are correct. Although the new PHMSA ruling contains regulatory relief for reverse logistics shipments that originate from retail stores, it
